February 24, 2011

Work Out of the (Mon, Tues & Wednes) Day

Ok. You caught us. We've fallen a bit behind on posting WODs. It happens. Here is an attempt to catch up and a sincere apology: We are sorry.

Wednesday WOD

Triset Dumbbell hanging cleans, Dumbbell military presses and Decline leg raises
5 sets of 10 reps each
Rest as needed, but as little as posible

Tuesday WOD

Triset Flat Barbell bench press, Bosu push-ups and Lying reaching crunches
Pyramid the weigh up on bench press. For the push-ups and crunches complete 5 sets of 10 reps each.
Rest as needed, but as little as possible

Monday WOD

Today was a tough one. Josh found out he has to have surgery on his Achilles (scheduled for March 1) and Tim was left again to train Josh's clients in additon to his own - oh yeah, and to clear snow. Oh, the snow. Thus, Monday is WOD-less. Let us take this opportunity to remind you that snow removal is dangerous for some individuals. So, if you are fit enough to help out your neighbor, please do so. Not only will you burn more calories than you would if you just shoveled your own property, you could save someone from a heart attack, or at the very least some very sore muscles or a strained back. Plus, a little good will never hurt anyone.

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